Dawn Jeffory-Nelson
The Reel Coach & The Reel Baby Whisperer
My Adult and Young Peoples' clients have starred in such projects as Ender's Game, General Hospital, Criminal Minds, Glee, Gray's Anatomy, House, Austin & Ally, and many more . . .
CONTACT DAWN re ON-SET COACHING or to Schedule a Private, Skype or FaceTime Coaching session:
818/521-3296 or email DawnJefforyNelsonTheReelCoach@aol.com
TO CONTACT DAWN RE ON-SET BABY WRANGLING : 818/521-3296 or EMAIL TheReelBabyWhisperer@aol.com

Dawn Jeffory-Nelson
818/521-3296 cell
On-Set & Private Coaching:
Baby Wrangling- Casting and/or On-Set
Skype: undawnted1
Contact Me

Dawn Jeffory-Nelson • The Reel Coach and The Reel Baby Whisperer
proudly created with Wix.com
818/521-3296 / www.willworkforos.wordpress.com